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Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SFC), Represented in Poland, from the Connecticut National Guard, July to September 2022

John, I wanted to express my gratitude for your law firm, the Law Office of Will M. Helixon. The only regret I have is that I did not reach out to you sooner. I was about 6 weeks into the 15-6 investigation when I finally decided TDS was not going to assist and the only option was looking into civilian representation. Even though John came into this case halfway in, he quickly was caught up to speed. John was persistent in communicating with everyone and keeping this case at the forefront. I am sure many people got upset that he shined light into their mishandling of the case. This case wrapped up much faster than I think it would have if John wasn’t as persistent as he was. I finally get to go home and see my three children, a year is far too long to be away from them. I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for us John.

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